Monday, September 15, 2014

The World Occupying Iraq: Would the Middle East be More Stable?

The future of our world could easily be tied directly or indirectly to the Middle East!  For whatever reason, emotions run hot in this desert area like the sands that cook in the summer sunshine.  Most of the feelings of discourse are rooted deep in religion; whereby differing viewpoints among various nonconforming groups create this higher tension like guitar strings that are wound too tightly.

What is right and what is wrong is so many times a subjective interpretation when it comes to this region of instability; especially to the outside world looking in.

Can an Infusion of Love fix the Middle East?

It can be said that love can cure all; a broken heart, resentment, major disagreements, differing philosophies, and even the basic human desire to control each other.  Therefore, why can't we all just get together and have a world Woodstock of sorts?  Can't you just see it now? Extremist groups lovin' high political figures throughout the world and that love being fully reciprocated back; as if their differences never existed and all in the name of peace, love, and a harmonious human existence on planet earth.  Yeah, probably not.  

However, having a common peace and love mindset more that not throughout the world can't be a bad thing, can it?  So how would we be able to accomplish this 'state or nirvana' where fighters drop their arms onto the desert floor and just see each other for what they truly are; people desiring to be accepted, loved, understood, and ultimately not disregarded for their beliefs; whether religious or not?  This concept of accepting has always been there, it's just that when people obviously take something too far, it's difficult for love to envelop that person or group overall.  

Therefore, the pendulum then must swing all the way from trying to acquire more love, to eradication of a problem so that love can eventually try to migrate through an entire region.  This is never an easy thing when it comes to the value of humanity and the concept of killing to eradicate pervasive extremists; it undoubtedly demoralizes the people who merely have that concept of peace and love even more.  It's a vicious cycle that seems to never end unless something drastic 'points our ship' in the right direction.

Iraq Occupation:  The U.S. and European Countries Literally Taking Over for the Purposes of Fully Stabilizing the Region for the Future. 

There is no where in the world that is even close to as crazy as the Middle East!  Yeah, some place in the northern half of Africa can probably come close at times, but there is really something hovering over the region that seemingly can't be quelled.  And when you look at that area with a logical eye for the future and how the entire world is ultimately affected by it's direction as well, you can only come up with one solution. Having the worlds big brothers who aren't working from an extreme viewpoint become a full partner with Iraq and set up shop with a massive presence in the region that wouldn't ever go away.  

Now this concept may seem rather extreme; much like many a group that travels those deserts looking for power and wanting to wield their version of intimidation.  However, there is a 'little somethin' under that desert that could really build up that area and help fund new cities where Iraq, U.S., and European children can all go to school together and feel secure, and without threat.  What is it?  Oil. Obviously fixing the run down wells and further exploiting the vast reserves as a multi-country group would yield the sort of financial might that could defeat a lot of the evil that tends to sprout up and litter the sandy landscape.  

As a result, no one country would have to foot the bill of eliminating extremist groups in a heated region whereby the threat of mass destruction weapons looms on the near horizon.  This cooperative effort would obviously have to be agreed upon by the new Iraq government because, as it stands while I write this post, their ability to police their own country is proving to be too much for them to handle; (ex. ISIS).  

We Need to Partner now for the future of our 'Next Generations': 

As I write this post, a group who refer to themselves as the ISIS; the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant are attempting to take over the northern Iraq region and infiltrate Syria.  Now, there is no doubt they will be crushed in the coming weeks by the U.S. and partnering countries, but my point is that no matter what their fate ultimately becomes, there is always going to be another group trying to destabilize that region for their own extreme viewpoints. It's just the nature of the area and it will never end until this partnership of occupying Iraq commences.

What would truly need to be done?  

The U.S., European, and even other Arab Partner countries would need to all come to an agreement with Iraq to literally live together within that country for the betterment of the world.  This means building up a massive combined military presence that is 'PERMANENT' and whereby the living standards of U.S., European, and Arab countries is reflected with newly built towns and upgraded existing cities; all funded by the massive 'untapped' natural resource of oil under the sand.  Now, this investment would undoubtedly be huge in terms of new infrastructure, new wells, and updating existing cities to suit the needs of the new tenants, but it would be well worth it for the future!

Much of those improvements wouldn't be funded by the countries partnering with Iraq, so it just makes good sense.  Why?  It would put all the big brothers together on the same soil and utterly put a stranglehold on new entities that wish to spread their evil and intimidation.  When a group starts to 'pop up' and get 'out of hand', the new partnership kicks in and starts to go into destroy mode without blinking an eye.  That's intimidating the bullies and hammering home the notion that 'it ain't gonna happen no more punks' and that 'it's goin' down like this' now!

What is going to eventually happen if we don't take this course of action soon?

Technology is going to beat all of us to the punch!  The threat of 'weapons of mass destruction' are going to be too great as the ability to acquire and unleash these weapons on neighboring and distant countries becomes easier. You might be asking what kind of weapons?  All kinds including biological, nuclear, radiological, and chemical weapons.  Just the release of some biological substances alone could prove to have dire consequences, for not only that region, but all of earth!  So why do we continue to sit on our hands and bury our heads in the sands of the Iraqi deserts?  Let's take a proactive approach to the future!  

Iraq will be a better place as a result, more money would flow in and out of the region, new communities would sprout up along those landscapes, and the UN will really be more united as the nations of the world would be a lot less worried.  There is no better time than now to forge a new relationship with a country who is still reeling from the iron fist of Saddam Hussein and propel the entire Middle East into a better tomorrow.      





Friday, September 12, 2014

Engine Governors, Breathalyzers, and Anti-Texting for Cars?

When I started this blog a little while back, I knew it was going to be a sort of therapeutic, off the cuff, 'shoot from the hip' kind of writing platform.  While I have opinions (hopefully logical) about many a topic out there, I realize that not everything I write about is going to be agreed upon by everyone.  That's the beauty of life; everyone has varied tastes, outlooks, mindsets, and overall opinions on a plethora of subjects.

With that being said, I started to think about life and how fragile and uncertain it can all be.  The never being promised tomorrow; the possibility of coming down with a health ailment that could eventually take your life; the poor decision to drive home from the bar one night only to wrap your car around a mature oak tree.  There is so much to live for and also so many things that can easily take your life away.  Much like my last post on preserving children's lives by tracking them via gps, I feel it necessary to write about life preservation as it pertains to vehicles and being drivers or passengers in those said vehicles.

Thousands Die Each Year in High Speed Collisions, Alcohol Related Crashes, and Texting While Driving:

Technology is a beautiful thing when used properly....wouldn't you wholeheartedly agree?  It's brought us smartphones, gps, the internet, medical breakthroughs, satellites, and the future undoubtedly holds devices like augmented reality like--google glass (something I wrote about in my thriller book Framer), and the eventual advent of robots.  However, we've had the technology to place governors on cars to limit their speed for years, yet, manufacturers and the government have never implemented their use or made them a mandatory law.  There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that the utilization of speed limiting governors within the vehicles we drive would most certainly have curbed thousands, if not millions of deaths over the past 50 years on our worlds highways.  Did you notice I said our worlds?  It's because no other countries that I know of have ever implemented governors either (please let me know if I'm wrong). 

Breathalyzers that are tied in with the ignition switch is another way of curbing drunk driving fatalities; especially when the driver is the only one driving the car and there isn't that 'sober person' blowing for the drunk guy.  But you wonder why a sober person would do such a thing anyway; yet it would probably happen time and time again.  Nonetheless, we all know that the technology is already there, but the red tape and bureaucracy overall seemingly can't be cut through with the sharpest of political swords; or so it seems. 

That brings me to the old texting and driving thing.  Recently GM released information indicating it would take the reigns on curbing this fairly new, yet, deadly driving combination.  In an article released early Sept. 2014, they said they are creating technology to detect distracted drivers with electronic head and eye tracking.  Now this is a step in the right direction, wouldn't you say?  So how come they can't keep the guy all 'hopped up' on meth or crack from driving down the road at 90 mph and colliding with the four person family who is merely coming home from the daughters soccer game?  Moreover, the breathalyzer prior to turning on your vehicles engine wouldn't stop all drunkards, but it would halt a nice majority of them from killing the old man who's simply crossing the street after walking down to the local convenience store. 

It's kind of funny....our media and governments are ready and willing to let everybody know not to drink and drive; not to text and drive, and not to speed, yet there are logical ways to fix nearly all of them and we go year after year with no progress in these areas (except for now GM).  There's no doubt that all of these measures will eventually be in place and our lives will be more restricted than they are now.  However, a ton of lives would have been spared had we took it more seriously; it's just a shame that it's not a forefront issue right now, despite all of the gnarly statistics.

Lastly, it wouldn't surprise me in the next 5-10 years that we see electronic surges in certain speed zones whereby it shoots that particular surge of energy into your vehicles hood and it automatically slows you down to only be able to max your respective speed out to the posted speed limit. If the government would combine that technology with the breathalyzers, and the texting (in car) technologies, the U.S. could boast that they are the safest place on earth to drive a vehicle!

As always, let me know your thoughts; I always like talking future.         


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Missing Children: Should We Make GPS Tracking Mandatory?

There is a sickening trend throughout the world that is truly under appreciated through the eyes of society; a society that's becoming more and more 'overly preoccupied'.  What the hell am I talking about?  Kids.  Their world abduction rates are skyrocketing and it seems as though no government(s), company, or medical institution is attempting to implement the technology (that we already have) to help save their lives.

This is extremely disturbing to say the least, but it's also a sociological malady that isn't going away anytime soon; unless we start a movement and band together for these unfortunate children.  So how do we implement a strategy that can really assist these kids when they're human targets for the evil and sick of our world?  GPS tracking for kids, coupled with the Amber Alert program on a worldwide scale, could reduce missing kids substantially.

What am I actually proposing here?

Love and care....let's start from that concept and work ourselves outwards.  You've heard the old sayings that kids are our future....and without the children, our existence is limited etc. etc. It's all true, but as with world hunger, there simply isn't enough being done to harness all of the resources we have at our disposal.  As a result, children are being subjected to atrocities around the world on a daily basis that are literally unspeakable.  'They need public awareness on a massive scale' and they should be issue 'number one' on every governments legislative calendar.    

Human Trafficking and it's Gnarly Proliferation:

According to the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children  8 million children will go missing this year and another 2 million will be sexually exploited.  These statistics are really mind boggling considering what eventually happens or becomes of the kids involved in that 8 million. Are they part of the 'daisy chain' of human trafficking networks that have seemingly sprouted up in the past 10-20 years?  Are they kept by their abductors or worse yet, killed? 

So how can we truly attempt to drastically curb those stats and keep our worlds kids from harm?  The world governments need to do more by banding together and pooling, not only their respective financial resources, but medical geniuses to invent/manufacture a legitimate GPS tracking system via surgical implantation for every kid that is born in the coming years and thereafter.  

What Would Be the Technical Specifics? 

In a perfect world designed to maintain the integrity and safety of our worlds children, there would be a tiny, 'eighteen year life' GPS tracking device that would be implanted in a secret body location that only the child's parents and medical records are privy to.  This designated body location would be agreed upon by the parents and medical caregiver shortly after birth.  Now, when the baby is healthy enough (perhaps right away) to take on this minimally invasive procedure, they would be have a tiny tracking device implanted into their respective body, tested for accuracy thereafter, and documented thoroughly for precise record keeping. 

Where Would Safe Places Be On a Young Child's Body to Implant Such a Device?

  There is probably some debate as to where would be the best location for a child to have this 'all important' attachment.  However, my brain started to swirl with ideas before writing this post and here is what I came up with: Under the rib cage; just inside the lowest portion and perhaps attached with a high grade medical glue or utilizing an extremely reliable affixing strategy designed to screw in somehow.  Another site would be on the inside of the upper arm; maybe within the bicep muscle itself. Additional areas would be sites like the calf, maybe hidden inside the arch of the foot, or under the scalp with no protrusion or identifiable bumps.

What else could we do? 

Warnings to the weirdos, sickos, psychos, freaks, and bastards who work for the high-level human traffickers.  You're probably saying, "What the hell are you talking about bro?"  Well maybe not those exact words, but I get it.  The warnings would be primarily placed on significant areas whereby (from a visual standpoint), the perpetrator would be deterred by a yellow and black 'new world symbol'.  This symbol could be circular or whatever; but the point is that it would be bright and very detectable to the human eye.  These symbols could and should be placed on the child's backpack, their shoes, necklaces, bracelets, and jackets. The world governments would then issue 'massive press releases' indicating the usage of this symbol on children as far as the eye can see.  This world symbol would then be a first line indicator to a potential child abductor to back off; that this kid is being tracked and every movement he or she makes is being documented in a sensitive government server somewhere.  Eventually all kids would be wearing this symbol (as unattractive as it may be) to deter their own abduction.

In addition, a lot of kids in the world don't have cell phones or access to hi-tech gadgetry that could subsequently alert (with the push of an emergency button) their own abduction.  There could be proactive measures created by a coop of parents, medical professionals, and GPS tracking system designers to assist in setting up virtual perimeters. These virtual perimeters would be so that if a child who doesn't have access to an emergency or a panic button has suddenly breached beyond a specific area, that their GPS implant device would trip/trigger an alert indicating his or her abduction.  This could be done by default as well for all kids (even the wealthier ones with phones and such).

The major point is that the statistics of that many children succumbing to such evil each year, is nothing short of ridiculous!

Just think back when you were a kid.  Think how the concept of life and your vision of what it was going to be was.  I bet it was beautiful....probably thoughts of happiness and love throughout. Like a nirvana that your immature brain inevitably steered towards to grasp at something you saw yourself eventually becoming enveloped in as an adult.  Now think of that demonic man who could have snatched you up at a moments notice; perhaps when you were lost in those serene thoughts of the future!  This is happening as I write this....and it will continue until we 'wake the hell up' as a society and make this a 'forefront world issue'.
This post is dedicated to all of the stolen innocence that was ripped away from every child throughout the world who has been abducted, their sickened parents who become lost in their own personal haze, and the people like you and I who actually demand for something to be done!

A Final Thought:

There is simply too much new motivation (human trafficking, organ trafficking, modern slavery, minor sex industry) and new markets that have recently come about to exploit kids, that we as a society have to deliver a counter-blow back in the face of the bullies.  These technological GPS tracking devices need to be invented/implemented immediately and major world funds need to be allocated to creating such 'life saving' electronics. There is no place for this kind of B.S. in our society; and of all people, kids, shouldn't have to 'bear the brunt' of these demented minds that continually exploit them because of their perverse intent. 
Share with friends and family; let's build awareness! Also, forward this post to your legislator in your own respective state/area of the world. Let them know that you care about the worlds kids and their welfare and that it's a MAJOR issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Moreover, let them know that you feel that it's imperative that lawmakers of the world need to come together (not just the U.S. or U.K.), pool their financial resources, make this a safe and accurate tracking device, and create a worldwide logo for near-term future children who aren't born yet.
The implementation of such a streamlined tracking device would undoubtedly put many people behind bars who prey on kids and send a 'big time' message to all of the sick industries who are involved in such unsavory acts.  This in turn would significantly curb that evil, but it has to be done right!  The device has to be randomly placed about kids; not just in one place so that a perpetrator could somehow remove it immediately after abduction. Lastly, this device could eventually be removed (for privacy purposes) after the child reaches adult age (usually 18). 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this multipronged approach; maybe you could shed some additional light. 






Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Well this is kind of weird!

It's sort of interesting that technology has a way of making some people flat-out hypocrites or at some point, feel like one. What am I referring to?  Myself.  You see I never was a fan of blogs when they came out or the concept of blogging altogether.  The general layout of the page seemed so bizarre along with some of the ridiculous ones I read with seemingly pointless posts (maybe like this one:) that I wanted to stay away and never even give a sniff to.

Well, this is kind of weird!  Here I am revealing this information, yet, here I am writing a blog; it kind of makes no sense.  Nonetheless, I thought about it the other night while lying in bed and said to myself: self maybe you could do some good with your writing capabilities; hell maybe people will actually read your stuff and perhaps be inspired to be more progressive, or love their kids more, or find something within themselves they never thought possible.

That being said, I knew I had a blogger account simply catching dust in the corner of some server somewhere, so I figured I dust that puppy off; much like my book Tropical Trauma (hand written on 8 yellow legal pads).  And unfortunately this is the result of such a ambitious feat; a guy who won't hold anything back regardless of the people who want to cover, sweep under, toss aside, or turn the other cheek to the obvious, the logical, or what's simply right.

Oh, the picture above....don't even think about looking at that gut!  I was contemplating cutting that part off, but this goofy pic was taken a couple years ago and it's fully a 'six pack' now:) (OoooK) That's right you got the crazy author guy all stirred up and ready to strike back with these computer keys!  Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but I can assure you that I'm gonna bring it with every post. So be aware of how frontal I can actually get with various issues (and don't get all weird on me with the frontal thing, I know what you're thinking, you sicko:), but I think you get the idea.

So I did it!  I actually dove into that wild pool of party bloggers and the water feels kinda warm; not as cold as I thought it would be. You know what?  I'm actually kind of diggin' this freeness (is that even a word?).  It almost feels like a big ole iron weight was just lifted off of my chest by some bulging roid guy wanting to 'pump me up' even more!  Maybe he writes on some blog about getting juiced up.

Wow, that visual is kind of creepy and cool all in the same breath.  Nevertheless, I'm gonna sign out before I change my mind on this little adventure because the longer I stay writing in this new environment, the weirder I'm beginning to feel.  But there is no need to worry (at least that what I'm telling myself); people are cool and maybe some of them will actually dig on this stuff.....ha, who am I kidding!