Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Well this is kind of weird!

It's sort of interesting that technology has a way of making some people flat-out hypocrites or at some point, feel like one. What am I referring to?  Myself.  You see I never was a fan of blogs when they came out or the concept of blogging altogether.  The general layout of the page seemed so bizarre along with some of the ridiculous ones I read with seemingly pointless posts (maybe like this one:) that I wanted to stay away and never even give a sniff to.

Well, this is kind of weird!  Here I am revealing this information, yet, here I am writing a blog; it kind of makes no sense.  Nonetheless, I thought about it the other night while lying in bed and said to myself: self maybe you could do some good with your writing capabilities; hell maybe people will actually read your stuff and perhaps be inspired to be more progressive, or love their kids more, or find something within themselves they never thought possible.

That being said, I knew I had a blogger account simply catching dust in the corner of some server somewhere, so I figured I dust that puppy off; much like my book Tropical Trauma (hand written on 8 yellow legal pads).  And unfortunately this is the result of such a ambitious feat; a guy who won't hold anything back regardless of the people who want to cover, sweep under, toss aside, or turn the other cheek to the obvious, the logical, or what's simply right.

Oh, the picture above....don't even think about looking at that gut!  I was contemplating cutting that part off, but this goofy pic was taken a couple years ago and it's fully a 'six pack' now:) (OoooK) That's right man....now you got the crazy author guy all stirred up and ready to strike back with these computer keys!  Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves, but I can assure you that I'm gonna bring it with every post. So be aware of how frontal I can actually get with various issues (and don't get all weird on me with the frontal thing, I know what you're thinking, you sicko:), but I think you get the idea.

So I did it!  I actually dove into that wild pool of party bloggers and the water feels kinda warm; not as cold as I thought it would be. You know what?  I'm actually kind of diggin' this freeness (is that even a word?).  It almost feels like a big ole iron weight was just lifted off of my chest by some bulging roid guy wanting to 'pump me up' even more!  Maybe he writes on some blog about getting juiced up.

Wow, that visual is kind of creepy and cool all in the same breath.  Nevertheless, I'm gonna sign out before I change my mind on this little adventure because the longer I stay writing in this new environment, the weirder I'm beginning to feel.  But there is no need to worry (at least that what I'm telling myself); people are cool and maybe some of them will actually dig on this stuff.....ha, who am I kidding!

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